Congrats on love winning!!! DOMA was struck down by the Supreme Court of the United State of America allowing families across this great country to be recognized as equal!
In celebration of LOVE, I will be at Seattle’s PrideFest this Sunday June 30, at the wedding expo in Fisher Pavilion. I’ll be introducing my Micro Wedding package for couples wanting fantastic wedding photography but who aren’t having a full wedding. These are available Monday through Fridays and select weekends.
Those visiting my booth will receive the PrideFest discount! Tell your friends and loved ones to visit me… I’ll be giving away an hour session that you can use for engagement, wedding or family photography!
As a gay woman myself, this decision is extremely important to my wife and my future family. We are now equal.
Congrats to all the loving families, gay and straight, across these United States who are celebrating LOVE and EQUALITY today!!!

Charlie Films - Wonderful picture I love it!